Medicine is most effective of our agents for penetration and pacification.
Hubert Lyautey, French colonial administrator and a Minister of War
Lockdown-till-Vaccine revealed that vaccination was an unhealthy and unholy practice.1 It prohibits and annihilates traditional ways how peoples passed on the knowledge and wisdom over thousands of years how to keep well, healthy, holy, at peace, and whole. By prohibiting people to come together, being healthy and whole becomes a physical impossibility. You cannot be whole and healthy if it is physically impossible to honor the elders, care for the sick, be sick in a community of people who care for and about you, bury the dead, grieve with the bereaved, marry young people, birth new children into the world, teach the young what it means to love, live, suffer, rejoice, and die as people, not numbers in isolated prison cells of a high security prison.2
A vaccine is a safe and effective drug.3 It is a good example to show how good we are at developing a drug to fit the purpose defined by us. We observe something in physical reality, stage simple experiments to obtain a desired outcome, then slowly develop an always evolving fuzzy theoretical framework of always evolving fuzzy abstract concepts to allow us to improve upon the crude original to make it safer, more effective, and more precise.4 A vaccine targets disease, a non-real abstract concept. We make disease to match to a vaccine.5 It does not eliminate or eradicate physical suffering or pain of physical bodies of persons.
Vaccination is the modern day practice of administering and receiving a vaccine based on a belief that it “protects you against harmful diseases”.6 7
Modern day vaccination as a practice and modern vaccine as a drug belong to the tradition of people who believe in science.8 These are the descendants of people who followed Christ, lived in Western Europe,9 and developed particular ways of living and thinking as physical bodies.10 They set out on a crusade to rid the world of suffering and pain.11 These men made knowledge and developed a way to govern unlike any other in the world — using statistics. They began exporting not only their tools and technology but their ideas and a way of living all over the world under the guise of value neutral and objective science, medicine, public health, education, and philanthropy.12 Nothing about any of these activities is neutral or objective. Many subjective beliefs are embedded into everything people do. When a scientist sciences, his sciencing is subordinate to his politics, philosophy, and religion. Scientists will Trojan Horse you.
We can trace the origin of modern day immunization to early 18th century England where first inoculation then vaccination emerged as practices of the English elite. At the same time, English colonial settlers used statistics to justify the practice of inoculation against smallpox.13 Consequently, Western Europeans in the emerging nation states used statistics, science dealing with data about the condition of a state or community, to create the concept of abstract disease as a tool of governance. At the beginning of the 19th century vaccination turned from a private practice into a state and later nation-state policy as well as a method of colonizing foreign people.14
Western Europeans undermined local ways of healing to replace them with an import from Europe or North America to either preserve the local labor force or to protect themselves from the foreign bodies that were sick in familiar to Europeans ways but affected Europeans in foreign lands with more severity.15 In the 20th century vaccination is a predominantly American political crusade that is concealed under the words Global Public Health or One Health. The politics of international public health and particularly vaccination prioritizes American interests over local and distorts public resources allocation that undermines local priorities as local people sense them.16
Advocates of vaccination assume and academics deliberately conceal the unconscious and taken for granted beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, which become the source of values and actions. In this case, those who speak about the benefits of vaccination covertly impose Western European and North American values on all peoples of the world regardless of the way they worship, know, and live.
Proselytizers of vaccination erroneously believe in the existence of a universal biological human, a self, and the unchanging biological entity of a body throughout history.17 In reality, there are many different peoples who worship, live, and die according to local traditions which rest upon “worldviews”. Worldview provides the source of meaning for the people who live out knowledge and worldview through the actions of their physical bodies. It is visibly obvious that we not only look different, we act different, and even our “body composition” is different, depending upon where and how we live. The only worldview compatible with lockdown-till-vaccine is science but only where post-humans had already been living in inhuman and inhumane disembodied, independent, “I do not care” ways.
What people believe in, where they derive the meaning of their interpretive framework for the purpose of living as people, what makes them the people they are as opposed to non-humans or animals, and how it is enacted in daily physical action/inaction as mediated by the way of thinking is a religion. Thought, word, and action result in particular physical bodies as well as particular communities which embody the virtues or values they believe in through their relationships between each other. There are tens of thousands religions that we account for as well as millions or billions of religions as they are lived out by particular persons.
The followers of a tradition teach all children born into it how to keep well. It usually begins with physical manipulation of bodies well before imparting verbal or cognitive foundation for how a person ought to act during his or her lifetime. For example, how a mother nurses her child can range from on cue every 20-30 minutes to rigid scheduling according to scientific theories or whether a mother sleeps with a child or separates the child fosters the virtues or values of the people who begin shaping bodies to conform to either closeness and interdependence or independence.18 We shape bodies to embody what we believe as important, virtuous or valuable.19
Each kind of peoples shares a story of their origin, which is the source of meaning and the foundation of a community of people. Traditionally, healing/wellness/health/holiness come as the result of individual action as related to others. These acts become the physical manifestation of truth as it is defined in the local tradition. Truth is not abstract. Truth is lived out.
“All traditional cultures derive their hygienic function from this ability to equip the individual with the means for making pain tolerable, sickness or impairment understandable, and the shadow of death meaningful. In such cultures health care is always a program for eating, drinking, working, breathing, loving, politicking, exercising, singing, dreaming, warring, and suffering.
Most healing is a traditional way of consoling, caring, and comforting people while they heal, and most sick-care a form of tolerance extended to the afflicted. Only those cultures survive that provide a viable code that is adapted to a group's genetic make-up, to its history, to its environment, and to the peculiar challenges represented by competing groups of neighbors.”
Ivan Illich. Medical Nemesis
Lockdown-till-vaccine effectively prohibited people to keep well, healthy, holy, and whole as individuals and communities of people following their traditional teachings. Public health policy is based on the belief system and the already abnormal and post-human way of living as atomized individuals who can exist as disembodied persons virtually as opposed to embodied persons virtuously. The concept of “public” does not account for the existence of peoples who do not share in the Western European or North American belief system or way of living based on it. Neither does “public health” account for the many ways of keeping well/healthy/whole/holy.
Vaccination often replaces the traditional way of dealing with illness, suffering, and death. Proselytizers of vaccination disrupt how local communities care for one another via psycho-physical manipulation of physical bodies of knowledge — who embody traditional ways of thinking and living — with the drugs, repeated incantations ‘vaccines save lives”, and undermining the local ways of meaning making.20 These manipulations annihilate the physical bodies of knowledge, who know, think, and practice healing in the non-Western traditions, by force conversion of unsuspecting homogenized victims into the ways of science.
Vaccination forces self-conceptualization as an ambiguous entity of an immune system as a self and a disembodied figment of a statistical population which is always at war with foreign bodies. Western scientific education forms universal humans by imparting the understanding of self as the product of biology and science.21 Governance of biological figments of statistical population begins to make sense to essentially disembodied person who cannot sense abstract concepts as a feeling body of a person who makes sense of what he or she feels.
Imposition of Western European and North American worldview and practices eradicates the diversity of peoples via a complex interaction between language and action as they are implemented violently through law and policy by good people who embody the way of thinking and living that is foreign and unacceptable to most peoples in the world. Vaccination serves the financial and ideological interests of Western Europeans and North Americans.
Vaccination should be abolished on the grounds of the predatory and destructive nature of the practice. It may remain as a private practice — for those to whom it makes sense for individual persons or local communities. Vaccination must never be mandatory regardless of the severity of disease on the epidemiological scale, particularly when North Americans and Western Europeans make new diseases out of familiar ailments to declare pandemics.
The question before us is not whether vaccination works or if vaccines are safe and effective. It does. They are.22 American and Western European politicians, academics, businessmen, and philanthropists make diseases to make vaccines to prevent diseases to prevent pandemics to cause pandemics to be safe and not die as scientific politics.23 Do we want to live and die like this? No.
Vaccination is unhealthy and unholy.
A drug is not a path to health.
Lockdown-till-vaccine proved it beyond reasonable doubt.
Prevent disease and pandemics by denouncing vaccination. |
It is destructive to how people live in a civilized society and what makes our living and dying meaningful.
To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born,
And a time to die…
Technically, we do not vaccinate. We immunize.
How people understand safe, which often shares root with peace and health, is not the same. Controlling bodies of people and restricting environment is not the same as voluntarily doing something good as the act of mutual reciprocity. Cf. scientific management by numbers vs following faith as knowledge (religion) or philosophy. Delegation of personal duty is of note here. Dump a sick person into a hospital and abandon him or keep vigil at bedside during hospitalization. Care for the sick at home vs delegate to “experts”.
E.g. Semitic root Š-L-M captures this very notion.
We can compare the devout COVID vaccination spirit among the residents of Newton, MA as it applied to their children for whom it made zero sense in any reasonable scientific framing. Unless you are not right in the head and believe in dragons, pandemics, diseases, and drugs. From the standpoint of public health and immunology, the population of children in Newton, MA were not at any particular risk from a respiratory illness in the class of COVID. It was known in March 2020. “We had data”. “We knew theory”. “We had knowledge”. “We had experience”. It was a pure act of blind faith that had nothing to do with reasonable behavior outside of governing foreign bodies, protecting selves from foreign bodies, and affirming governing biological bodies as numbers. Whether it was deliberate or chaos from legitimate fear is irrelevant.
Both “safe” and “effective” are regulatory designations as they fit legal regulation of pharmaceuticals as well as the politics of the state within Western political ideology and tradition, which are lived out by people who are the carriers of this ideology and tradition, implicitly or explicitly.
There are many ways to understand both a vaccine and vaccination as phenomena in modern history beginning in the 18th century, not to be confused with prior methods of dealing with physical suffering by different peoples. The meaning of what a vaccine or vaccination is for a particular person or people at a particular time and place is not the same. E.g. Folk practice is not the same as government policy. People who inoculate themselves thus develop intimate knowledge of how they experience illness and when to inoculate during a mild season is different from academics, scientists, business people, and government officials forming a practice through joint effort but without anybody knowing how it works, making everyone dependent on an opaque System to deliver “salvation.”
In reality there is no stable concept what a vaccine is as a vaccine is an ever changing phenomenon and substance. How we interpret its meaning is up to the interpreter within a particular tradition of scholarship or science. It is good to think of a vaccine as a concept, when we think of a platform that we use to deliver medicine to prevent a case of severe illness in a person or a sacrament as part of a ritual or a rite of passage that affirms cohesiveness of a society that believes in science as the means to salvation.
“Plotkin’s Vaccines” is a good book to study vaccines and vaccination from the standpoint of both science as proper science and science as a myth. By no means exhaustive, but a good gateway book to explore further. That said, the book presents scientific information that is locked in a particular philosophy and worldview. There is also a subject of “politics of vaccination” and “biopolitics” that reveal more why this practice takes shape as it does.
Vaccine is tightly bound to the invention of an epidemiological disease of no corresponding physical experience of an illness that is covered under the concept of disease. E.g. When we say there is a vaccine against pneumonia, it is impossible to make such a thing. You must pick a microbe, make a disease (pneumococcal disease), then match a vaccine to this artificially made disease, which does not really take care of people who still suffer the symptoms of another abstract concept “pneumonia”. They are just “caused” by the general susceptibility of hosts to becoming sick when encountering microbes or from the disturbed inner balance of microbiome. This means “sick people get sick”. How do you become sick? You live in a way that makes you sick and even more susceptible to sickness.
We can equally say that people who think in a way that is sick makes them susceptible to illness. If we compare Americans on the average and Pakistanis on the average when it came to susceptibility to disease of COVID-19, Pakistanis exhibited superior immunity to disease, which we cannot say about Americans.
I believe it is a quote from the CDC website circa now. It is pointless to quote as definitions change. Defining is an important quirk of Western mentality. Obviously, the meaning of words and actions is always fuzzy and ambiguous. Definitions and thinking of phenomena as static objects is a mental tool that allows us to manipulate thoughts and physical objects in reality to re-make reality in the image of our thoughts and imagination.
Modern vaccine industry arose in the post World War 2 period as part of military-industrial complex. We invent viruses and make viruses in labs when it comes to just sequencing them to either make vaccines or prevent disease and pandemics. It is a Catch-22 because if we stop making virus with computers, we will not be able to make diseases. We will be dealing with undifferentiated respiratory illnesses with the means already available to us. The people who don’t want to be sick, make viruses and diseases to later suffer from pandemics.
Again. We have controls all over the world, including people like myself who inhabits the world of secular science, who witnessed some people having a pandemic of disease or a pandemic as politics of control of biological bodies. Then we have Pakistan where people did a good job showing the power of small local governments that usually fight come together to protect their people from Global Public Health insanity. Albeit they also suffered economically because “we are all in this together”.
Joseph Henrich. The WEIRDest People in the World. This is not a scientific but rather pop-science book for self-congratulatory people who don’t know what to do on a good day or how to cook an egg. The knowledge within academia is dispersed and few people string it together. If they do, it serves the interests of the institutions of power who pay these prostitutes to shill for them. It is not even of direct benefit for the academics themselves as they are forced to record their useless musings to be replaced by very intelligent Artificial Intelligence that will be programmed to think more efficiently and will prevent wrongthink.
We must realize that “Europe” is not just geography. It is an idea and a concept. As such, even within Western Europe not all people went nuts and are nuts. There are many intelligent, learned, and decent people who live in both Western Europe and North America who know right from wrong and live accordingly.
These people are bodies-in-mind as they think of themselves and then embody these thoughts in the way of living and knowing. There is more than one kind of body-in-mind. During 2020 various peoples emerged as thinking and acting in vastly different ways in a seemingly “same” reality. Of course, it is wrong to assert that reality is somehow the same in Denmark, Texas, USA, and Papua New Guinea. It is not.
It had nothing to do with the application of science. Some people just science and think well. Some don’t. Those who believe in science tend to have very impoverished and clipped thinking capacity as it fits into their imagination of how people ought to live to be whole and at peace. It is analytical and not synthesizing. Academics and experts in the West experted themselves out of senses and couldn’t get out of hot water if their lives depended on it. Of course, they get paid to be dumb.
Disease causing bodies here can be a microbe converting into a pathogen when someone who is colonized with a microbe becomes sick. Or we can call foreign bodies who live unlike secular Westerners diseases that we will set out to eradicate by converting them into the secular Western ways of experiencing bodies thus altering how people understand themselves and how it is good to live as people. There is general agreement that there is no general agreement on what it means to live a good life or how to do it.
It is not true that all people who inhabited Western Europe or England worshiped, scienced, or lived the same. Opposition to vaccination on the grounds of its danger to society is as old as voluntary and mandatory vaccination. The philosophical and religious idea that a drug is not the way to health is ancient.
The following is a good example of a faith as knowledge argument against vaccination. There are more in a similar tone amidst both Christians and Muslims.
"A sermon against the dangerous and sinful practice of inoculation. Preach'd at St. Andrew's Holborn, on Sunday, July the 8th, 1722. / By Edmund Massey, M.A. Lecturer of St. Alban Woodstreet." In the digital collection Evans Early American Imprint Collection. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.
If we consider the history of modern scientific thought as it emerged not in the abstract but amidst the people who lived in Western Europe, we must understand that modern scientific thought and subsequent science as the way to establish truth and govern emerged within particular bodies of persons. These people worshiped Christ in the Latin tradition — Catholicism later overtaken by Protestantism. Their sensing of the world, the languages they spoke, the metaphors they used as well as the means of shaping the world where they lived was essentially formed by the long tradition of Christian religion and natural philosophy as undivided and complimentary. We must understand that the men who made knowledge embodied and lived out ideas and thoughts as physical bodies. We must factor in that abstract concepts of truth, democracy, freedom wealth are not abstract but rather what particular people with names did to form nation states; begin using surveillance as the means to govern; think up abstract concepts as labor, body ownership as property, body of the state, invisible hand, public etc.; industrialize; unhinge the stable number of people in the world into abnormal growth out of proportion to environment; become terribly sick; war; venture out to far away lands to extract resources; become terribly sick, and force their religion via various means onto others without any regard for the well-being of others. The theme of the conquest and destruction of both nature and women are also prevalent as the hidden thread going back all the way to Ancient Greece (Aristotle).
The abstract nature of truth was contrasted with the embodied act of being truthful to demonstrate the difference of living as people vs numbers. In the secular realm regardless of religious affiliation, people who believe in numbers and science as well as abstract truth failed and continue failing to comprehend that living as people falls under the realm of living out philosophy or religion physically. You cannot delegate your duty to an institution. You live out what you believe.
All communities of what we consider to be “Ultra-Orthodox” faith made a free will choice as guided by their elders, whom people in these communities honor physically and in person, to live an essentially normal life. It was particularly apparent when burying the dead and grieving with the bereaved. E.g. Secular ethnic Jews vs religious Jews who follow the Torah. It is in this particular instance that the falsehood of the state slogan “Saving Lives” and vaccination propagandists claiming that “to save a life” was the highest and sole task of the Jewish people. It is not and it was not. Of course, nobody beat Pakistani Muslims on account of the most deliberate prevention of pandemic and determination to live as Muslims not as patients of Global Public Health.
R.R. Reno wrote a series of articles during 2020 on the subject of living through the times of illness.
Say No To Death’s Dominion.
Coronavirus Diary: New York, March 26.
Reflecting on Levin’s essay, I see more clearly my concerns over the last two weeks. Rod Dreher, like many of my friends, has adopted the view that pro-life Christians are obligated to preserve life at any cost. This requires one to hold, as a matter of principle, that physical death is the greatest evil, since preventing death is the highest good. No ancient philosophers held such a view. Nor did the Old Testament prophets. Jesus certainly didn’t.
Levin observes that the view that death is the greatest evil was first articulated by Machiavelli, Hobbes, Descartes, and Bacon. Their materialist view—physical suffering and death are the gravest threats—has a compassionate side. We devote ourselves to preventing death, which is of course often fitting and sometimes obligatory. My concern is that the well-intended rhetoric of compassion, amplified by denunciations of any who dissent from the present “at any cost” mentality, will contribute to the reduction of public life to purely materialist considerations.
Being sick is not a disease. Being sick is something that you do to heal.
I began writing Right To Be Sick - Most Threatened Right in mid-March 2020. Jokers think that we just say something nice sounding and intellectual without fully realizing that we live this way. It is not a theory. It is practice. The words we speak and the bodies we move are in sync. Our bodies present existential threat to the elaborate castle of lies you built on the sand.
Protecting the right to be ill and succumb to it, the right to die will soon have to be defended with guns. There are too many who want to inflict good onto you to make themselves feel good.
9:21 AM · Mar 16, 2020
October 2016 to be precise.
The subject of colonizing bodies. You may have noticed that all who get educated out of senses and their own traditions begin speaking the same language of state bureaucracies. Formal education in the western manner annihilates bodies of local knowledge to replace them with bodies of clueless experts who know how destroy but have no idea how to keep anything whole or holy.
See works of James C. Scott e.g. Seeing Like A State. (take note that brains of Western scholars oomph into the Bermuda Triangle of Reason never to be sensed again when it comes to vaccination. It is a blind belief with no knowledge and complete disability to sneeze without government assistance as the result).
Of course, Ivan Illich. Medical Nemesis and Twelve Years After Medical Nemesis. See the work of Ivan Illich’s follower Barbara Duden as well on the subject of body history and what medicalization of bodies does to women. Her work particularly underscores the quest of “public health” to rule in the bodies of women, peasants, and foreigners who smell and experience their bodies unlike standard bodies.
Arnold David. Colonizing the Body. State Medicine and Epidemic Disease in Nineteenth-Century India. The British forced vaccination on the various peoples in India who practiced inoculation and had the means to deal with various ailments that are differentiated into many different diseases today. The practices were similar enough, neither was particularly scientific in the modern understanding of it. Both cause harm, in the modern understanding of drug safety.
Modern smallpox never existed in history until we invented testing. People couldn’t tell measles, smallpox, and other modern diseases apart. Look for “Smallpox. Differentiating diagnosis” to know that disease is an abstract concept not physical object. It is physically impossible to suffer a disease or from disease, unless you refer to the mental anguish of the imagination of abstract concepts. Covid and Long Covid are cases in point.
The idea of eradicating suffering by eradicating disease seems attractive if you do not sense that we do not eradicate any suffering as it is embodied by a person burning up, hurting, losing his mind, etc. We make more and more diseases as evidence that we are losing in a failing paradigm. This useful paradigm does have a limited utility in fixing certain problems mechanically yet it decidedly cannot deliver any wholeness or health to anybody.
How to make a disease. Ludwik Fleck. Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact.
Packard Randall. The Making of a Tropical Disease. A short history of malaria.
Also refer to books on the philosophy of medicine as I mentioned them in prior essays.
You can read many books that say the same. See the works of Alfred I. Tauber and Paul Feyerabend.
Short intro to Tropical Medicine as a Discipline.
See the works of William Muraskin.
It is open season in Pakistan now when the new round of “polio eradication” as a stupid and failing enterprise is taking place. People all over the world and within the West resist and protest what works so well that it stops working. Vaccination is mostly very effective in the rich and healthy and not very effective in the sick and poor. Albeit, it is the sick who need drugs. COVID-19 Pandemic showed the highest uptake amidst the so-called “healthy and rich” who turned out to be the sickest and poorest people in the world.
The idea of “self” as it was particular to the emergence of a particular body in the 12th century in Western Europe becomes an idea that become a metaphor for immunological self and how it is later embodied in thinking and living. We now see the immune self extremism in those who not only extracted themselves from society but also barrier themselves with masks. It is a non-Eastern understanding of an individual who cannot be divided from a community of people who breathe together or environment. Of course, out dystopian scientific communists now want to science weather into submission. The very same people who had and continue having a very antagonistic relationship with nature (and women).
Philosophy of immunity is a subject you can further explore. The role of metaphors in our thinking and how it influences development of scientific thought not in the abstract but within particular physical bodies who understand selves via the means they themselves created as accepted in faith as true. I speak of science and biology.
I will try to add more resources as or if time permits or you can ask or look back at the notes to other essays.
Birth tends to be socializing activity that shapes who people become. See Brigitte Jordan. Birth in Four Cultures. as the gateway into this subject.
Virtue — how you act.
Value — what material rewards you seek out.
Not the same. Utilitarian thinking leads to warping in thinking and acting. The material reward justifies truthfulness of a heinous act.
There is a large body of literature to study people who refuse, resist, hesitate or are confused about vaccination. The goal of this research is to vaccinate all not matter what.
The general ideology of population medicine in a concise and fun format is
Michel Accad. Moving Mountains: A Socratic Challenge to the Theory and Practice of Population Medicine.
A concise exploration of the rise of the slur “antivaxxer”.
Bernice Hausman. Anti/Vax: Reframing the Vaccination Controversy.
Biology is a recent invention of Western people. We invented biology as the study of “life” in the abstract very recently. Early 19th century. See y François Jacob. Logic of Life.
Ivan Illich. Life as Idol.
It is useful to not take “facts” as given because ideas can be traced to particular people who lived as physical bodies in particular contexts that gave rise to these ideas. Nothing is that abstract.
Safety, effectiveness, works are all defined in a particular way in the documents of government bureaucracy. It is all tied to population statistics not you personally.
Edward Hooper’s book The River is one of the few detailed accounts of the immense social, political, technological, and interspecies infrastructure constituted by Cold War vaccine production. This biomedical infrastructure dramatically changed the geographic and interspecies mobility of viruses in ways that may be impossible to reconstruct. Yet these potential transmission routes remain crucial to acknowledge.
Jain SL. The WetNet: What the Oral Polio Vaccine Hypothesis Exposes about Globalized Interspecies Fluid Bonds. Med Anthropol Q. 2020 Dec;34(4):504-524. doi: 10.1111/maq.12587. Epub 2020 Jun 12. PMID: 32529703.